Planning a Successful Bake

You just moved into your own place for the first time and you’re having people over - can you say housewarming party!

You just got a new job and your company does potluck the first friday of every month - no way you’re showing up with day-old store-bought cookies!

Your friend is throwing their very first dinner party and asked you to bring dessert - this is your moment to shine!

It’s the first post-covid playdate of the year and you can’t wait to have everybody together again - you’re totally the hostess with the mostess!

The time has finally come! You’ve decided you’re ready to bake and the big day is just around the corner. It doesn’t take long to get prepared, but there are a few things you can do to make sure that baking day is a success.

Find a recipe: This doesn’t have to take forever, but it does take some effort. Unless you’ve got a go-to resource, like a hand-written encyclopedia of recipes passed down through your family for generations, then make sure you give yourself a day or two to pick something worthwhile. As long as you know what to look for in a recipe, picking the right one to fit your needs is easy and Fun! How to Pick a Recipe

Get your tools together: Now that you know what you’re planning to bake, make sure you’ve the tools you need. Does it require a mixer, or can you handle this one with a whisk and some muscle? Do you have the right pan sizes? Take a moment or two to confirm that your kitchen is fully stocked.

Get your ingredients together: Once you know what you’re making and you’re sure you’ve got the tools to get it done, you need to gather your ingredients. Don’t rush out and buy everything on the list. Look through what’s in your kitchen and see if you have anything already – check dates to make sure nothing is expired.

Also, make sure that you know what each thing is on the list. Cake flour is different from All Purpose flour, and if you don’t know what makes dutch process cocoa different from natural process, you can seriously mess with your bake. Take a breather, read the list, and go in armed. Knowledge is power. 

Prep your space: Whether you’ve got a big sprawling kitchen or you’re working with a 20″ studio oven and no dish-washer (like me!), you can bake the same beautiful creations by making sure your space is neat and organized. No dirty dishes in the sink and be sure your recipe is easy to read. Pull it up and pin it on a screen, or print it out so you can fill it with marks and notes.

There are so many great reasons for jumping into your first bake, and as long as you stay steady and go in with a solid plan, there’s no reason not to have a perfectly flaky pastry or puffy-topped muffin. And when your first bake goes off without a hitch, you’ll see how fun and rewarding your time in the kitchen can be. See you in the kitchen!